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Overall Weight Gain

How does it happen?

Excess weight gain is caused by imbalanced calorie intake and calorie burn. This is when the fat distribution beneath the skin is uneven, causing fat cells to gather and clump together, resulting in being overweight. Other factors that lead to weight gain include hereditary, overeating, lack of exercise, poor digestion, and weak metabolic rate.


Accumulation of fat cells in areas like tummy, waist, back, buttocks, arms, thighs, and face.

Flabby Arms

How does it happen?

Flabby arms in women can be a result of poor circulation and blockage in the blood and lymphatic systems. If ignored, it may accumulate excess fat in the arm area. Flabby arms can put a damper on a woman’s appearance, especially when she waves!


“Bye-bye” wings, flabby, and sagging arms.


If this problem is treated fast, not only will you get rid of your flabby arms, but also restore the natural definition in your arms.

Postnatal Weight Gain

How does it happen?

A mother packs on about 10-20kg during pregnancy. Mothers should be cautious that it’s not the amount of food intake that is important rather, it is the sufficient nutrient intake that should be focused on for a healthy infant growth. When a mother overeats, food will be stored as fat around the tummy and hips area. This is where fat cells will continue to expand and duplicate. It’s important to manage the accumulated toxins and excess water for faster womb recovery and a better health.


“Rounder” and fleshier appearance (tummy, hips, and arms), with apparent water retention in the thighs, saggy breasts, and visible stretch marks around the tummy.


Mothers can regain their pre-pregnancy figure fast if they commence a weight management program. (1 month after natural childbirth and 2 months after cesarean birth)

Bulging Tummy

How does it happen?

The tummy area is where fat accumulates and the first warning sign that you are putting on weight. Some may be at their ideal weight but because of neglect, may also develop bulging tummy problem. This is apparent when you stay put after a meal or have heavy servings in one meal. As our body metabolic rate slows down with age, the accumulated stubborn far will give the appearance of a “pregnant” protruding tummy.


Loose, jiggly tummy bulge, or muffin tops.


Take breaks every hour or two to get up and move around. This can help prevent lower back pains.

Bulky “Thunder” Thighs

How does it happen?

Extra fat in the thigh area can be caused by a number of fatty cells or large-sized fat cells. At the same time, poor metabolic circulation rate can contribute to size gain in the thigh area. Other factors include hereditary where chances are high if anyone in the family have chunky thighs.


Category 1: Significantly fleshy and loose skin
Category 2: Firm but appear heavy with lack of definition
Category 3: Signs of swelling or water retention. This happens to most working women who spend long hours sitting in the office.

The thigh area makes up about half of the body. A pair of slim, firm thighs stands out and gives a lady an alluring and sensual appearance.

Saggy Buttocks

How does it happen?

The derriere or commonly known as buttocks, is one of the most alluring part of a woman’s silhouette. The muscles and fatty tissues determine its structure and shape. Among factors that cause saggy buttocks include water retention, expansion of excess fat cells, and sitting down, or staying in one posture for too long.


Fat, sagging, or flat buttocks are all signs of aging in women. It also looks disproportionate on the lower half of the body.


How does it happen?

Cellulite forms when fat cells in the body increase and gather together at a fast rate. This will then affect the lymphatic circulation, causing the skin to harden and eventually forming lumps. Thus, giving the skin a bumpy orange appearance where the term “orange peel skin” came about. Cellulite can form regardless of whether a person is overweight or not.


Orange-peel, dimpled-looking appearance around the buttocks and hips area.


Cellulite can worsen after childbirth and it can cause the skin to lose elasticity. Added with stretch marks, it can rather be an unsightly appearance. Cellulite can weaken blood circulation, hence causing water retention problems in the lower half of the body. This explains why most women face weight problems especially in their lower half body area. If you start to see signs, act now before your cellulite condition worsens.

Water Retention/Toxin

How does it happen?

If our blood circulation is well-regulated, the blood vessels are able to transport water particles to the appropriate parts. However, if blood circulation is weak or poor, toxins can easily gather amidst fat cells. If this process repeats, it will cause water retention and toxins to build up. This condition can weaken the metabolic rate and cause weight gain.


Water retention – Soft, fleshy appearance, and plump-looking body
Toxin – Lethargy, joint and muscle pain, constipation, bad breath, and dull complexion


Detox and water retention management to improve circulation and immune system.

Overall Weight Gain

How does it happen?

Excess weight gain is caused by imbalanced calorie intake and calorie burnt. This is when the fat distribution beneath the skin is uneven, causing fat cells to gather and clump together, resulting in being overweight condition. Other factors that lead to weight gain include hereditary, overeating, lack of exercise, poor digestion, and weak metabolic rate.


Accumulation of fat cells in areas like tummy, waist, back, buttocks, arms, thighs, and face.

Flabby Arms

How does it happen?

Flabby arms in women can be a result of poor circulation and blockage in the blood and lymphatic systems. If ignored, it may accumulate excess fat in the arm area. Flabby arms can put a damper on a woman’s appearance, especially when she waves!


“Bye-bye” wings, flabby, and sagging arms.


If this problem is treated fast, not only will you get rid of your flabby arms, but also restore the natural definition in your arms.

Postnatal Weight Gain

How does it happen?

A mother packs on about 10-20kg during pregnancy. Mothers should be cautious that it’s not the amount of food intake that is important, that is important rather, it is the sufficient nutrient intake that should be focused on for a healthy infant growth. When a mother overeats, food will be stored as fat around the tummy and hips area. This is where fat cells will continue to expand and duplicate. It’s important to manage the accumulated toxins and excess water for faster womb recovery and a better health.


“Rounder” and fleshier appearance (tummy, hips, and arms), with apparent water retention in the thighs, saggy breasts, and visible stretch marks around the tummy.


Mothers can regain their pre-pregnancy figure fast if they commence a weight management program. (1 month after natural childbirth and 2 months after cesarean birth)

Bulging Tummy

How does it happen?

The tummy area is where fat accumulates and the first warning sign that you are putting on weight. Some may be at their ideal weight but because of neglect, may also develop a bulging tummy. This is apparent when you stay put after a meal or have heavy meals in one meal. As our body metabolic rate slows down with age, the accumulated stubborn far will give the appearance of a “pregnant” protruding tummy.


Loose, jiggly tummy bulge, or muffin tops.


Take breaks every hour or two to get up and move around. This can help prevent lower back pains.

Bulky “Thunder” Thighs

How does it happen?

Extra fat in the thigh area can be caused by a number of fatty cells or large-sized fat cells. At the same time, poor metabolic circulation rate can contribute to size gain in the thigh area. Other factors include hereditary where chances are high if anyone in the family have chunky thighs.


Category 1: Significantly fleshy and loose skin
Category 2: Firm but appear heavy with lack of definition
Category 3: Signs of swelling or water retention. This happens to most working women who spend long hours sitting in the office.

The thigh area makes up about half of the body. A pair of slim, firm thighs stands out and gives a lady an alluring and sensual appearance.

Saggy Buttocks

How does it happen?

The derriere or commonly known as buttocks, is one of the most alluring part of a woman’s silhouette. The muscles and fatty tissues determine its structure and shape. Among factors that cause saggy buttocks include water retention, expansion of excess fat cells, and sitting down, or staying in one posture for too long.


Fat, sagging, or flat buttocks are all signs of aging in women. It also looks disproportionate on the lower half of the body.


How does it happen?

Cellulite forms when fat cells in the body increase and gather together at a fast rate. This will then affect the lymphatic circulation, causing the skin to harden and eventually forming lumps. Thus, giving the skin bumpy orange appearance where the term "orange peel skin" came about. Cellulite can form regardless of whether a person is overweight or not.


Orange-peel, dimpled-looking appearance around the buttocks and hips area.


Cellulite can worsen after childbirth and it can cause the skin to lose elasticity. Added with stretch marks, it can rather be an unsightly appearance. Cellulite can weaken blood circulation, hence causing water retention problems in the lower half of the body. This explains why most women face weight problems especially in their lower half body area. If you start to see signs, act now before your cellulite condition worsens.

Water Retention/Toxin

How does it happen?

If our blood circulation is well-regulated, the blood vessels are able to transport water particles to the appropriate parts. However, if blood circulation is weak or poor, toxins can easily gather amidst fat cells. If this process repeats, it will cause water retention and toxins to build up. This condition can weaken the metabolic rate and cause weight gain.


Water retention – Soft, fleshy appearance, and plump-looking body
Toxin – Lethargy, joint and muscle pain, constipation, bad breath, and dull complexion


Detox and water retention management to improve circulation and immune system.

Terms & Conditions
  • This redemption offer is valid for NEW FEMALE customers aged 21 & above with weight problems only
  • Participants are to ensure that their correct particulars are submitted in order to be eligible for this promotion.
  • This redemption is not transferrable or exchangeable for cash or other terms.
  • The treatment and products provided in this redemption are for personal use only. You may not sell or resell any of the products received from this redemption.
  • Advance booking is needed and please present Identity Card for registration.
  • Individual results may vary.
  • The free slimming kit can only be redeemed after the consultation and treatments have been completed.
  • By redeeming this free offer, all participants authorise London Weight Management to use their information for marketing purposes.
  • London Weight Management reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. For enquiry, please contact us at +603-9779 1234.

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