Imagine having to be told to pay if you ripped the clothes. That was what Josephine experienced when she was at 76kg. “Everytime I wanted to try out clothes at a boutique, every salesgirl will tell me not to try. If I did want to, I was told to pay if it was torn! When I looked at my body in front of the mirror, I hated my arms and thighs. I could never wear pants because it always got stuck at my calves. I was indeed that big sized girl.”
“My most embarrassing moment was left within 5 minutes of a first blind date. I didn’t know that looks were so important to others. After that incident, I was desperate to lose the fat. I tried diet pills but experienced unpleasant side effects. Then, a ray of hope seemed to shine when I watched London’s commercial on TV.”
Many have asked about Josephine’s slimmer body and she couldn’t be happier to share her London Weight Management experience. ”This is so surreal; I used to be 76kg. Now I’m just 50kg! I successfully lost 26kg without pain and crazy workouts. London has proven that its treatments are indeed effective. Look at my perfect figure! Get help from a weight management expert because they can help you overcome your weight concerns.”