New Customer Enquiry: 03-9779 1234 |  Customer Care: 03-2720 7977 |
  HQ: 03-2733 3227(Customer Only)



Each customer is assigned to a weight management expert for exclusivity. A full body fat analysis is done to identify the type of problems faced by each individual. Then each programme will be designed based on her weight problems, lifestyle requirements, and eating pattern to help her reach her ideal weight effectively*.

Each programme is unique as it is customised to the type of problems faced by each individual. All slimming sessions do not involve pills, surgery, crash diets, or heavy exercises.

Lose those excess weight through toxin and water retention management, followed by a deep fat burning process.

Using a natural blend of 100% all natural mineral and plant extracts, London Weight Management’s range of products are safe and suitable for all

Our weight management experts will keep a close watch on each customer’s progress, and development to help them achieve dream goals in the shortest time possible*. At London Weight Management, result is all. Therefore, we are proud to have helped thousands of women achieve their dream figure and weight*.

Our weight management experts have undergone extensive training to bring the best results in your weight management programme. Sit back and relax, you’re in good hands.

*individual results may vary

Terms & Conditions
  • This redemption offer is valid for NEW FEMALE customers aged 21 & above with weight problems only
  • Participants are to ensure that their correct particulars are submitted in order to be eligible for this promotion.
  • This redemption is not transferrable or exchangeable for cash or other terms.
  • The treatment and products provided in this redemption are for personal use only. You may not sell or resell any of the products received from this redemption.
  • Advance booking is needed and please present Identity Card for registration.
  • Individual results may vary.
  • The free slimming kit can only be redeemed after the consultation and treatments have been completed.
  • By redeeming this free offer, all participants authorise London Weight Management to use their information for marketing purposes.
  • London Weight Management reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. For enquiry, please contact us at +603-9779 1234.

Enjoy your first So Slim Treatment for FREE!

We will be in touch with you shortly.

  I agree to the Terms & Conditions and allow London Weight Management to use any information submitted for their marketing purposes.

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