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  HQ: 03-2733 3227(Customer Only)

Frequently Asked Qestions


Q: Why should I choose London Weight Management?

A: London Weight Management is the No.1 Most Effective Slimming Brand in Malaysia. Over 200,000 Malaysians have tried and experienced the guaranteed results. London Weight Management offers a guarantee of up to 2kg or 8-22cm loss^ in the first session. No pills, no surgeries, no crash diets, and no heavy exercises involved. It is the safest and most effective weight management program.

Q: Do I need to follow a diet plan?

A: We will advise you on a suggested food intake and healthy ways of eating. Eating healthy plays important role for maintaining a slim and healthy body. And you do not have to skip any meals.

Q: Help! What is wrong with my body? Why am I getting bigger and gaining weight?

A: There could be several reasons to as why your body is changing. Get help or a full body fat analysis from a weight management expert to identify the causes and a customised solution.

Q: How much and how long does it take to lose weight?

A: Cost and time varies as our body conditions are different. A detailed body fat analysis by a weight management expert will determine a suitable weight management programme based on your weight problem.

Q: Is it true that I will lose my shape after childbirth?

A: Not necessarily. You can still regain your dream body shape with consistent visits, discipline, and willpower to keep yourself in shape. London Weight Management offers Postnatal Slimming Program to help mothers get back to their pre-pregnancy figures.

Q: Is it safe for mothers who had a C-section?

A: Yes, it is safe and recommended for mothers to undergo slimming treatment after 2 months.

Q: Why is the tummy area the first place to show signs of weight gain?

A: Most agree that the biggest problem area is the tummy. For those who are seated most of the time, fat cells around the tummy area expand faster than the other areas. If problems are ignored, you may notice weight gain in other parts like hips and arms.

Q: I’m always careful with my food intake. Why am I still overweight?

A: There could be several factors to why you are facing weight issues, from poor metabolic rate, blocked lymphatic system, hormonal imbalance to even the wrong diet. To determine the root cause, seek help from our weight management expert.

Q: How do I know if I have excess toxins in my body?

A: Toxin comes from various sources, such as air pollution, vegetables with excessive pesticides, poultry with antibiotics, and even stress. No matter what your size is, you can still accumulate excess toxins from the body. That is why detoxification is important to get rid of harmful and excess toxins from our body. If it is not handled effectively, one may experience weight gain. A weight management expert can help to identify if your body is accumulating excess toxins.

Q: When can I see results?

A: Depending on your weight problems, the results may vary. With the right diet, lifestyle adjustment, and consistent slimming sessions, you are on the right path to your weight loss goals.

Q: Can London Weight Management help solve specific problematic parts of my body?

A: Because London Weight Management’s slimming program is tailor made to each individual, our weight experts can customised treatment to targeted problem areas such as: arms, thighs, tummy, hips, stretch marks, and even cellulite.

Q: Is the session painful? Will I face side effects?

A: Our slimming sessions are painless and use natural ingredients that do not pose side effects. However, if you have other concerns, do seek for your doctor’s advice prior to our slimming sessions.

Q: Which slimming sessions will work for me?

A: Our weight experts are more than happy to introduce a weight management program to achieve your goals. You can call and enquire at 03-9779 1234.

Q: I want to try London’s Slimming Treatment. What is the first step?

A: Do call us for for a free first trial at 03-9779 1234 or click here.

^Results may vary.

Terms & Conditions
  • This redemption offer is valid for NEW FEMALE customers aged 21 & above with weight problems only
  • Participants are to ensure that their correct particulars are submitted in order to be eligible for this promotion.
  • This redemption is not transferrable or exchangeable for cash or other terms.
  • The treatment and products provided in this redemption are for personal use only. You may not sell or resell any of the products received from this redemption.
  • Advance booking is needed and please present Identity Card for registration.
  • Individual results may vary.
  • The free slimming kit can only be redeemed after the consultation and treatments have been completed.
  • By redeeming this free offer, all participants authorise London Weight Management to use their information for marketing purposes.
  • London Weight Management reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. For enquiry, please contact us at +603-9779 1234.

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  I agree to the Terms & Conditions and allow London Weight Management to use any information submitted for their marketing purposes.

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